Thursday, January 05, 2006

A shameless request for an invitation

Er, um . . .


Well, it’s not entirely shameless.

And it’s sort of embarrassing, too.

But the simple fact of the matter is that what I said in my last post is absolutely true:

I'm 56 years old and I've have never been to a s'udat Purim.

Could any of you kind folks from the New York City metropolitan area spare a couple of places at the table for the Punster and me?


Blogger Noam S said...

well, if I was in the area, I would invite you. And, if you are in my area, you are invited to come. On the other hand, you could have your own Purim seudah, and invite friends and family.

Thu Jan 05, 11:52:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Ezzie said...

Ask again closer to Purim, when we know what we're doing. :) Though my guess is we won't be hosting anything...

Thu Jan 05, 06:24:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

It's a deal, Ezzie. :) But if your wife doesn't want to make too big a thing so soon after her grandfather's death, I can understand that.

Dilbert, I have two problems making my own Seudat Purim. One is that my husband's business and college-teaching prep have, basically, taken over the livingroom. It's all he can do to get his stuff off a chair so that our son can actually eat at the table when he's home from college. (Yeah, the diningroom table is in the livingroom--the dining area is, allegedly, our business area. Famous last words.) I'm sorry to say that welcoming guests (hachnassat orchim) is pretty much a thing of the past at our place--we have nowhere to put them.

The other problem is my own ignorance: am haaretz (Jewishly-illiterate person) that I am, that I have absolutely no idea what constitutes a Seudat Purim. Is it one of those, "they tried to kill us, we won, let's eat" things, or is/are some ritual(s) involved, as at a seder? I haven't a clue, and I have no idea where to look to find out. Any suggestions?

Thu Jan 05, 09:59:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Ezzie said...

The grandfather's passing won't affect things at all - if anything, it's more of a reason to have one, because my in-laws won't be. Then again, last year we just had my brother and his family... In fact, this week we had 4 guests Fri night, 3 sleeping here (um, we have a 1-BR apartment), and 7 by lunch. Plus the usual 11 or so by Shalosh Seudos. It's not the big thing that's the problem, it's a different reason... But I can't say it now.

Quick note on Purim: Check out Aish.

Mon Jan 09, 05:21:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Thanks for the Aish hyperlink, Ezzie. Onto my Favorites list it goes, in my "Jewish organizations & info sources" file.

*Must* one get plastered on Purim? For openers, neither of us is supposed to be drinking, because of acid reflux problems. For closers, I'm not fond of encouraging excessive alcohol consumption on (a) general principles of good health, (b) because it's hard to perform a mitzvah with any sense of kavanah (intention, focus) when one is drunk (I switched to 4 cups of grape juice at the seder many years ago), and (c) as a sign that the Jewish community is serious about preventing alcoholism.

Mon Jan 09, 11:58:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Ezzie said...

Most of my rabbeim have basically proved you should not be trying to get drunk. There's definitely no "must" - different opinions say to the point one feels drowsy enough to take a nap (some require actually napping), others give other levels.

Many people simply don't drink, or just drink "more than normal" - for my brother, that's about a cup of wine.

Tue Jan 10, 02:22:00 PM 2006  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Ezzie, well, that's a relief. I've always been a big fan of getting high on *life.*

Wed Jan 11, 12:49:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Ezzie said...

You and Fudge. :)

Fri Jan 13, 12:26:00 AM 2006  
Blogger Shira Salamone said...

Fudge is mighty fine company. :)

Sun Jan 15, 05:35:00 PM 2006  

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